
If this blog were a physical object,

it would be my front porch and you would be sitting on it.

I’m a Southern girl, once uprooted to Michigan and now residing in Virginia, where the North & South reunited at last. Fitting, perhaps.

And if this were my front porch, I would offer you mango mint iced tea and ask you to sit a spell as we share our hearts.

About me:

Born in a rare Atlanta blizzard. I’ve always had a flair for the dramatic.

I am a fiercely stubborn dreamer.

I love to create pretty little things. Or tasty little bites. Or pretty, tasty little bites.

I am a woman who laughs loud & often. I also talk a lot. If you hang out with my family long enough, you’ll know that this is probably genetic (sorry kids!).

Thankfully, my family loves to eat, too. So we tend to talk a lot, while loudly laughing, over a huge spread of amazing food.

I am a woman who loves with her whole heart.

I work full time as a photographer for a small, liberal arts women’s college, and spend my spare time raising three kids under the age of four (heaven help me!), cultivating community, making art, creating new recipes, and trying to improve my “olive” thumb (it’s no longer brown, but not yet green).

I’m also a freelance writer, fine art photographer, humble poet & overall creative soul living in Lynchburg, Virginia, a place I’m happy to call my home. Here, the Blue Ridge Mountains are within reach, fresh art exhibits brighten the city each month, there’s a minor league baseball team to cheer on, cozy coffeeshops where they know your name & order, and this just in: salsa nights every Friday night.

This blog will contain my musings as I continue to grow as a working mother and artist, cataloguing recent work, sharing new recipes & ideas, and capturing the beautiful moments that make life in this topsy-turvy world so wonderful.

Come sit a spell.

Kindness is underrated: anonymous comments of a vicious nature will not receive a response and will be promptly deleted.
The art shared here is unique & personal. Please do not copy, distribute, or resell any reproductions thereof. If you find something inspiring or provoking, internet sharing is allowed so long as credit is given (including linking back to this site) and no profit is made from the posting of my work.
Thank you!

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